Slitting Circular knives

Anyone with knowledge of engineering and industry will know that it is vital to choose the right blade for the right job, and there are plenty of tasks that will require a circular knife. But even if you recognise this, you may find yourself uncertain to what sort of knife will be best for the task. After all, there are circular saw blades for film and foil, but also circular slitting knives for the cutting of textile and much more! To find the best blade for the job, you will need to find the best blade manufacturing company, and that is where BKS Knives comes in. We are a company that has been in business since 1983 and has full experience with industrial knives and blades of all shapes and varieties, and our professional team will help you to find the perfect knife for your needs.
Types of Circular Machine Knives
If you are looking for new circular knives then you will be spoilt for choice when you see what BKS Knives has to offer. Our selection includes a wide range of blades in any shape and size you require, made from a variety of different materials. We can provide knives for shear cutting, crush cutting and burst cutting. We supply circular saw blades for wood cutting, along with custom blades for any other kind of industrial purpose. So, whether you know what type of blade you need or whether you are looking for advice, get in touch with us and we will answer your questions.
Maintenance of Circular Knives
In addition to manufacturing circular blades we are equipped to perform the maintenance of blades and ensure that they are kept as sharp and as efficient as possible. We can guarantee that we shall use the finest circular knife grinder to sharpen your blade: like all of the best knife manufacturers, we regrind according to OEM specs and make use of CNC and robotised grinding machines.
BKS Knives: The Blade Producer You Can Rely Upon
Here is a list of the benefits that you can count upon when you approach BKS Knives :
- We supply circular knife blades in any size or shape you require.
- We used a variety of high end and reliable materials.
- Our industrial knife blades are customised to many purposes, from shear cutting wheels to circular sawmill blades.
- We have equipment to sharpen and resharpen your industrial knife.
- We are able to carry out welding and rewilding on your industrial blade.
- Our knife manufacturers are familiar with a wide range of different industries and their specific needs.
Need a Circular Knife? Come to Us for Help
Need expert advice for a project? Our team will be happy to find the solution that best suits your needs! Tell us about your requirement for a circular blade and we will study your case in detail to work on the blade that corresponds to your industry and that will allow you to get the best out of your cutting machines!